Ancient Genomics The study of the genomes of our ancestors, ancient animals and microorganisms
We are interested in:
- How ancient populations lived
- Where they lived
- How they are different to us!
- Confirming archeological studies using genetic data
What do we look at?
Compare genotypes of ancient individuals
Compare ancient genotypes to modern ones
Trace changes of genotypes across time
- Our ancient cousins
- Lived mainly in Europe
- Confirmed to be very related to us using DNA
- Became extinct 40000 years ago
- Our DNA is 3% Neanderthal
- Unknown to have existed until 2010
- Found in mountains in Russia
- Sequenced DNA from a finger bone
- Not human, not neanderthal…. –> DENISOVAN
- Most of what we know is from Genomics NOT Archeology/History
Some gene variants that help us survive are from our ancient cousins!
- Allows us to adapt to high altitudes
- Special variant in Tibetans
- Originally from Denisovans
Variant from Neanderthals increases Vitamin D production
- Variant seen in European populations
- Vitamin D produced when it’s sunny
- This variant allows Vitamin D to be produced in people in countries with little sunlight!!!
Ancient DNA and Europe
- The DNA of European people is a mixture of ancient populations!
- First people from Africa moved into Europe
- Then people from Turkey moved into Europe bringing farming
- Finally Western Asians moved west to Europe
- Europe is a mix of all this DNA!!