Comparative Genomics

  • “Compares” genomes of different animals, bacteria, viruses etc..

  • We are all connected by our genes no matter how distantly!

  • Our genetic code and size can be very different!

What genomes have been sequenced?

  • Mouse: 2002

  • Human: Human Genome Project – 2003

  • Rat: 2004

  • Chimp: 2005

  • Bee: 2006

How do we compare genomes?

  • Alignment
  • We ALIGN them by arranging them beside each other to look at similar sections

Why do we want to compare genomes?

  • Look for relationships between species
  • Investigate the funcntions of genes
  • Find genes that allow animals to adapt to their environment
  • The amount of similarity of our genomes differs between species

We can represent the relationships between species using phylogenetic trees